Our Story

Why soap?

After using different types of skin care products for many years, my skin changed from normal skin type to dry and sensitive skin type. I began to doubt these commercial skin care products until my skin was irritated, even when I used very expensive sensitive skin care products.

First Soap Experience

In 2014, I encountered my first 100% natural soap bar in New Zealand. Amazingly, it did not irritate my extremely sensitive skin at all and my skin gradually started to recover after a year of using natural soaps. The acne problem that has followed me for many years was also cured.


After leaving New Zealand and moving to Germany, I couldn’t find 100% natural soaps. Some brands claim to be natural, but they still consist of skin-irritating chemicals when I read the ingredients carefully.

Since 2017…

After searching and trying for some time, I decided to make the perfect natural soap on my own and give the extra ones to my friends and family. It started as a hobby but then I get a lot of positive feedbacks from friends, so I decided to sell them on the open markets. Since then, many customers told me that their skin has stopped itching and that they don’t need body creams after showering with my soap.

We valued…

I was aware that commercial skin products often contain harmful substance for the environment and have bad effect on the skin. Therefore, I wanted to create the products with the goals of promoting healthy skin and environmental sustainability. Our soaps aim to be 100% natural, very moisturising, soothing, rich in vitamin & antioxidants, as well as animal cruelty-free, eco-friendly, vegan-friendly. 

Day One Skin

Markets in Berlin

Since 2018 we have been selling at various markets in Berlin e.g. Mauerpark, Holzmarkt25, NK Flohmarkt etc. Please follow our Instagram & Facebook for the market information! 😊 

Unfortunately, I have to put everything online at the moment because of Corona virus. Hope to see you at the markets soon!

Our Products Features

♥ Vegan
♥ Animal cruelty-free
♥ No nasty chemicals
♥ No synthetic fragrances, colours or mineral oil based components.
♥ Natural ingredients
♥ Moisturizing, healing, rich of vitamin & antioxidants
♥ eco-friendly (palm free, plastic-free, biodegradable, minimum packaging)
♥ Handmade with love 

meet the team


DayOneSkin | Flea Market

Vivi Sung

| Soap maker | Photographer | Designer |

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