
Why Natural Handmade Soap?

Pure Olive oil soap

Superior Moisturising Ingredients

Natural plant oils infused with healthy proteins, minerals and vitamins that will nourish the skin, such as shea butter, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil… However, Commercial soap sold in stores is often made with chemical detergents, hardeners and synthetic lathering agents. Many of these ingredients can be drying or irritating on the skin. 

Infused Oils
Oil infused with rosemary, rose, chamomile, cornflower etc.

Rich of Glycerine

Glycerin is a humectant that attracts moisture from the air to the skin, making skin not only moist but soft and supple to the touch. It’s produced naturally during the soapmaking process. However, commercial soap producers remove the glycerin from the bars and sell it to make lotions and creams. Without glycerin, commercially prepared soap isn’t nearly as skin loving and can leave the skin feeling dry.

Organic Chamomile Soap
Organic Chamomile Soap

Natural Traditional Cold Process

During traditional cold process soap making, the oils and shea butter are gently heated just enough to melt them and start the saponification process. Which takes 2 months for the soap to form and retains the properties and nutrients of the oils and shea butter. However, the commercial soap making techniques involve high temperatures to speed up the saponification process which destroys the nutrients in the oils.

Natural Essential Oils

Not only the smell is amazing, but you also benefit from the therapeutic properties of each essential oil offers. However, The FDA does not require the ingredients used to develop a company’s trademark “fragrance” to be disclosed on the label. This means that your “fresh rain” or “cherry blossom” scented commercial soap could contain hundreds of harmful chemicals without your knowledge. Some of these chemical concoctions have been found to be skin irritants and known carcinogens.


NO plastics! NO palm oil! NO water pollution (biodegradable)! NO animal cruelty! 

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